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"Multa Plenty"

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Presented by Deborah Ralph-Kafarela

at the Midland Junction Arts Centre

Installation 1 - Abundance

A storeroom at Midland Junction Arts Centre filled to overflowing with bedding donations from businesses and the general public in the City of Swan Community.

Installation 2 - Little Boxes

98 tiny houses, 15 workshops, 5 volunteers, 94 schools students, 11 teachers, 200 visitors hyper vision open, 141 visitors The Store MJAC, 1 business in kind.

Installation 3 - A Place to Sleep

What started 18 months ago as a local human rights social activist art project - the plight of homelessness,

then led me on my own personal journey of reflection and discovery of family history.

Why do I have such empathy for those experiencing displacement and poverty?

Because I have experienced homelessness several times in my life.